The Opening

This sura is seen to be a precise table of contents of the Quranic message. It is very important in Islamic worship, being an obligatory part of the daily prayer, repeated several times during the day.


In the name of God, the Lord of Mercy,a the Giverb of Mercy!c


Praise belongs to God, Lordd of the Worlds,e 3 the Lord of Mercy,

the Giver of Mercy,

4 Master of the Day of Judgement. 5 It is You we

worship; it is You we ask for help.

6 Guide us to the straight path:


the path of those You have blessed, those who incur no angerf and

who have not gone astray.


Most occurrences of this term rahman in the Quran are in the context of Him being

mighty and majestic as well as merciful. The addition of the word ‘Lord’ here is

intended to convey this aspect of the term.


This term rahim is an intensive form suggesting that the quality of giving mercy is

inherent in God’s nature.


This is the only instance where this formula, present at the start of every sura but

one, is counted as the first numbered verse.


The Arabic root r–b–b has connotations of caring and nurturing in addition to lordship, and this should be borne in mind wherever the term occurs and is rendered ‘lord’.


 Al- alamin

in Arabic means all the worlds, of mankind, angels, animals, plants, this world, the next, and so forth.

Note that the verb here is not attributed to God.

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