Da‘wah Academy was established in March, 1985, in order to launch educational, training and research programmes for Da‘wah purposes addressing the needs of Muslim communities within and outside Pakistan. Inviting people to accept the supremacy of the Almighty Creator and to follow the right path of submission to none but the Creator in all affairs is an obligation upon all believers. Individuals, society as well as the Islamic state are under obligation to put the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the last Prophet (peace be on him) into practice and convey the message of Islam to the humanity: “Those who, if we establish them (in position of authority) in the land, establish the system of Salah and payment of Zakah, enjoin the good and forbid the undesirable and with Allah rests the end (and decision) of (all) affairs” (Qur’an 22: 41).
The Academy has been actively engaged in devising and organising orientation and training programmes to achieve the said objective. Da‘wah as a discipline and a specialisation necessitates intensive study of Islam as well as the various world religions and ideologies. The study of various disciplines such as mass-communication, history, languages, sociology and psychology also becomes necessary to properly fulfil the responsibility of dissemination of the message of Islam. It further requires the practical training of the people engaged in Da‘wah Activities. The basic aim of the extensive educational and training programmes of the Da‘wah Academy is to develop professionalism, promote Islamic commitment and instruct the trainees on how to communicate Islamic teaching in the best possible way.
The founder Director General of Dawah Acedmy was Prof.Dr.Anis Ahmad an eminent educationist and religious scholar.
  The Objectives
1.To devise and develop educational, training and research programmes for Da‘wah purposes;
2.To organize programmes for the training of community leaders; professionals and Islamic workers to inculcate the spirit and devotion to Da‘wah Work;
3.To develop and continually improve strategies for Da‘wah Work;
4.To produce and publish Da‘wah literature including monographs, reports, surveys, journals, booklets, books and other such materials;
5.To develop audio-visual materials for effective dissemination of the message of Islam;
6.To develop cooperation with institutions having similar objectives within Pakistan and abroad;
7.To organize orientation courses, symposia, seminars, workshops and conferences;
8.To undertake exchanges of scholars;
9.To develop a Resource Centre to promote Da‘wah Activities;
10.To establish regional centres of the Da‘wah Academy.
Da‘wah Academy pursues its objectives through various programmes devised and organized by its various departments.
1.Training Department
2.The Research Department
3.The Islamic Correspondence Department
4.The Children Literature Department
5.The Publication Department
Dawah Academy website:http://dawah.iiu.edu.pk/

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