The National Salvation Party (Turkish: Millî Selâmet Partisi, MSP) was an Islamist political party in Turkey founded on 11 October 1972 as the successor of the banned National Order Party (Millî Nizam Partisi, MNP). The party was led by Necmettin Erbakan. The party grew more popular, in 1973 elections it gained 11.8% of votes and was granted 48 seats in the Turkish Grand National Assembly, in 1977 elections it gained 8.56% of votes and won 24 seats.[1] In 1974 it formed the coalition government with the secularist Republican People’s Party (CHP) of Bülent Ecevit. MSP was closed down after the 1980 military coup.
Milli Gazete, launched 12 September 1973, was the party’s semi-official daily newspaper.
The National Turkish Student Association (Milli Türk Talebe Birliği, MTTB) was the party’s youth organization.
The party was succeeded by the Welfare Party (RP), which was founded in 1983.
See Refah Partisi.

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