How do we build a #sustainableworld?

Delivering on the ambitions of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Climate Agreement is no easy task. The global risks highlighted by these agendas will need global solutions. The answers won’t come from governments, businesses, and academia alone – they should also come from the public.

That means you.

We’d like you to upload a 60-90 second video answering one or more of five key questions we have identified that are crucial in our attempt to build a #sustainableworld for all, not just for the few.


We’ll be asking participants on the ground at the World Economic Forum’s Sustainable Development Impact Summit (#sdi19) to also give us their answers to these questions, and we’ll be featuring the best of the responses on, as well as across Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

Taking place during the United Nations General Assembly, the SDI summit engages the most relevant and influential leaders across business, government, civil society, NGOs and academia to collaborate on and address the world’s most pressing problems. But without your contributions to this important debate, they’ll be speaking only to themselves.

If you’d like to get involved, read more about the five questions below, and head to our submissions page to upload your video, from mobile or desktop. Please take note of our recommendations when shooting video, otherwise we may not be able to feature your submission.

1. What’s the biggest thing we should change in the way we live to create a #sustainableworld?

2. What action should governments take to create a #sustainableworld?

3. How should business change to create a #sustainableworld?

4. How can we work together to create a #sustainableworld?

5. What technology can best help us achieve a #sustainableworld?

Original Article is published :


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