Your mind can make your life great

Your mind can make your life great

Breathe in a slow and shallow way through your nose. This technique will help you to be calm in
times of great challenge.
Then, decide to make each moment the best.
Soon, all negative thoughts will leave your mind.
It will be like poison draining from your system.
Your mind then will be clear and your energy will return.
At times in the past, it may have seemed that everything was going wrong for you at the same
This was because one negative thought entered your mind and attracted more negatives – and
soon you were on overload.
When this happens, scenarios with bad endings start to play out in your mind and you become
Those negative thoughts and worries are like poison.
They damage your health.
You can stop both negative thoughts and worry immediately by getting your breathing right and
by deciding to make each moment the best.
Your mind can make your life great.
Be sure that it does

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