The Fly Who Thought She Was a Sailor

The Fly Who Thought She Was a Sailor

A poor donkey had been patiently carrying his heavy load all day long without a moment’s respite. He had not even been allowed to stop to pee. Finally, his owner reached his destination, and the donkey was relieved of the merchandise heaped on his back. Free at last from his burden, the beast happily emptied his full bladder.
A short distance away, a tiny .y was resting on a leaf lying on the ground. The donkey’s urine, .owing downstream, began to carry the leaf with the .y on it. The .y was initially taken aback, not quite understanding what was hap­pening. After a little while, though, she began to believe: “I’m sailing away on the sea. I’m the captain of this ship, and what a perfectly seasoned navigator I am! Who dares to stop me now?”
The .y was gloating in her pride, .oating on the stream of urine, believ­ing that she was sailing the seven seas. Unbeknown to her, she was still the same lowly .y she’d always been, driven along by the furious pace of the urine’s . ow, unaware that nothing truly is as it seems.

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