HUSAYN, TAHA (1889-1971), Egyptian novelist, critic, and modernist reformer. His two Arabic nicknames summarize this famed writer’s life. One, `Amid al-Adab al-‘Arabs (dean of Arabic […]


HUMAN RIGHTS. The term “human rights,” or huquq al-insan in Arabic, has only recently come into common use, as have the analogous terms huquq-i insan […]


HUKUMAH. The modern Arabic term for “government,” hukumah (Tk., hukumat; Pers., hukumat) is commonly distinguished from dawlah (“state”). As in European usage, government is understood […]


HUJJATIYAH. A conservative    religio-political school of thought within Shiism, the Hujjatiyah was founded in the early 1950s. The Hujjatl founder, Shaykh Mahmud Halabl, is rarely […]


HUDUD. Classical Islamic law divides the punishment for crimes into two categories: hudud (sg., hadd; lit., “limit” or “prohibitions”) are mandatory punishments imposed for crimes […]


HOUSES. The dwellings that Muslims have constructed and occupied are as varied as the geographical and cultural landscapes in which they have lived. For building […]


HOSTAGES. Seizing, detaining, and threatening to injure a person in order to secure compliance with a condition or demand from a third party is the […]


HONOR. The notion of honor figures prominently in ensembles of ideas about respect and social status. As a comparative sociological concept, it denotes enhanced status […]