Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan

Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan An enduring feature of Jordanian political life for more than fifty years, the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan was created as part […]

Muslim Brotherhood in Syria

Muslim Brotherhood in Syria Throughout its fifty years of activity in Syria, the Muslim Brotherhood has been principally an opposition movement that has never held […]

Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt

Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt Contemporary Islamic social and political activism in Egypt is rooted in the founding in 1928 by Hasan alBanna’ of Jam’iyat al-Ikhwan […]


[This entry comprises five articles: An Overview Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt Muslim Brotherhood in Syria Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan Muslim Brotherhood in the Sudan The […]


MUSIC. Music of the Islamic world can be studied from a wide variety of perspectives, as a historical legacy extending back to the middle ages […]


MUSA, NABAWIYAH (1886-1951), feminist and pioneer in women’s education. Born in Zagazig, Egypt, the daughter of Musa Muhammad, an army captain who died before her […]


MURIDIYAH. The best known of the Sufi brotherhoods in Senegal, both within and outside of the country, is the Murldiyah. Its name comes from murid, […]


MULLAH. A Persian construction probably from the Arabic mawla (“master,” “leader ” “lord”) mullah is the title used to identify a religious functionary, a cleric, […]


MULLABASHI. An institution designating a high religious functionary in Shi’i Islam, which seems to have come into usage toward the very end of the Safavid […]

Afghan Mujahidin

Afghan Mujahidin The Afghan Mujahidin are guerrilla fighters who formed their groups in opposition to the communist government after the April 1978 coup. The Mujahidin […]