detox – Hybrid Learning Online Learning Fri, 09 Feb 2018 06:33:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Have You Ever Wanted To Try The Raw Food Diet? Fri, 09 Feb 2018 06:33:51 +0000 There is a lot more to going raw than just eating celery and carrot sticks! You’ve watched all the documentaries, listened to the interviews and […]

There is a lot more to going raw than just eating celery and carrot sticks!

You’ve watched all the documentaries, listened to the interviews and have read the articles, but you’re still not convinced on the raw food movement.

The reason for this is probably because going raw means cutting out dairy, meat, and cooking! Three things that have become quite habitual in a modern person’s diet and routine. The trick to going raw and staying raw is to know which fresh foods you adore and to make sure they are always on hand.
In Summary, Going Raw Involves…

The basis of the raw food diet is all about eating mostly or all unprocessed and uncooked foods in an attempt to provide your body with all of the nutrients without the dangerous additives commonly found in our modern food.

To thoroughly enjoy going raw food, we encourage creativity in the kitchen and being open to experiment with new flavors. This will ensure you aren’t dining on a plate of raw carrots for dinner.
Why Go Raw?

The goal of eating more raw foods is to obtain plenty of nutrients in an easy-to-digest manner; one that our bodies are naturally suited for.

You may also be surprised to hear that cooked foods are usually harder to digest than raw foods; plus cooking nutrient-dense foods tends to destabilize some of their valuable enzymes and destroy certain antioxidants and vitamins. Raw foods also help alkalize the body, reduce acidity, and have less of a chance of fermenting in the gut and causing inflammation/autoimmune reactions.

Let’s take a look at the key principles and guidelines to going raw.
The Guidelines For Going Raw

You can eat raw fruit, raw vegetables, raw nuts & seeds, fresh herbs, and spices.
Drinking lots of filtered, alkaline, or distilled water is key!
You can only drink water, herbal teas (no green, black, or white teas), freshly made juices, or homemade smoothies.
No meat, meat products, dairy products, processed foods, wheat, refined sugar, alcohol, soda, coffee, grains, eggs, or anything with a shelf life.
You can have extra virgin olive oil, virgin coconut oil, or raw apple cider vinegar, as well

Evidence Suggests…

Raw foodism has been around since the 1800’s, and both studies and anecdotal evidence show the benefits of a raw food diet include:

Lowering inflammation
Improving digestion
Providing more dietary fiber
Improving heart health
Helping with optimal liver function
Preventing cancer
Preventing or treating constipation
Giving you more energy
Clearing up your skin
Preventing nutrient deficiencies
Lowering the amount of antinutrients and carcinogens in your diet
Helping you maintain a healthy body weight

So are you ready to take part in the raw food revolution?

Keep Reading:

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Best Herbs And Spices For Natural Healing Tue, 10 Oct 2017 06:34:48 +0000 Herbs and spices are nature’s natural version of pills and chemical potions. They’re concentrated doses of powerful healing nutrients and their flavor packs a punch […]

Herbs and spices are nature’s natural version of pills and chemical potions. They’re concentrated doses of powerful healing nutrients and their flavor packs a punch just as strong!
Here are 8 of the most incredible ones for healing your body naturally:

1. Tulsi (Holy Basil) – Ocimum Tenuiflorum

The Indian herbal plant Tulsi has a lot of significance in the Hindu religion. The term “Tulsi” is used in the context of one who is absolutely incomparable. Tulsi has a lot of reverence for the Hindus. In fact, people worship Tulsi every day in the morning as well as evening time. Most homes will have a plant and it’s considered sacred, not least because of its many medicinal qualities.

I am now using this exceptional herb in my clinic – as it has only very recently become available as a tincture – with wonderful results. I wonder why Tulsi isn’t more popular in the West as its medicinal properties are incredible, and varied. Tulsi is rejuvenating, immune boosting, helps restore our body’s negative reaction to stress, removes fluoride from water, has a wonderful effect on the adrenal glands and cardiovascular and nervous systems, and is anti-fungal, so it’s a great herb to treat a candida overgrowth.
Traditionally, many an Indian Grandma relied on a tea made from the leaves of Holy Basil to relieve indigestion and headaches. Now the firsts test are showing it might also inhibit breast cancer.  A tea made of Holy Basil shrunk tumors by reducing their blood supply and stopping their spread. To aid in breast cancer treatment, drink the tea daily. (It must be ‘Holy Basil’, not another variety of basil.) Pour 2 cups boiling water over 10 to 15 fresh holy basil leaves and steep 5 minutes Remove the leaves before consuming. Or get it as a liquid tincture.
If you grow it yourself at home, add the fresh leaves to your salad, stir fry, curry and smoothies. You probably won’t find Tulsi seeds or plants at your local nursery so ask them to order it for you, or look online. You’ll find it in health food stores as a supplement, tea or liquid tincture.

2. Saffron – Crocus sativus

Saffron is a spice derived from the flower of Crocus sativus, commonly known as the “saffron crocus”. Saffron crocus grows to 20–30 cm and bears up to four blossoms, each with three crimson stigmas (threads), and it takes over 150,000 blossoms to produce a kilo of saffron spice. The amount of labor involved in harvesting, which saffron insists on being done by hand – is why it is considered one of the world’s most expensive spices. The plant’s beauty is striking not only for its color but also its shape and style. Saffron’s use as a medicine has been documented since antiquity.
The important antioxidants saffron contains can help protect our bodies from oxidant-induced stress, cancers, infections and they also act as immune modulators. It’s been known to have many therapeutic applications in traditional medicines across the world as it acts as an antiseptic, antidepressant, antioxidant, digestive aid and anti-convulsant.
Saffron has traditionally been used for respiratory complaints such as coughs, emphysema and asthma, and also for loosening phlegm. Saffron is effective when treating insomnia, gas, depression, Alzheimer’s disease, fright, shock, pain, heartburn, and dry skin. It’s also a good liver tonic, is used to treat diabetes, to help reduce the withdrawal from drugs and alcohol, and a good cardio tonic.
Women have used saffron for centuries to ease menstrual cramps and PMS, while men use it to treat premature ejaculation and infertility. For this reason, saffron has the reputation of being an aphrodisiac. To use at home, make the dried stigmas into a tea and drink daily or you can get as a liquid tonic from your health food store. Add the threads to your cooking to impart a sexy and unique flavor.

3. Turmeric – Curcuma longa

Turmeric is part of the ginger family, Zingiberaceae. It is native plant in southwest India, and needs temperatures between 20 and 30°C and a considerable amount of annual rainfall to thrive. Turmeric has a peppery, warm and bitter flavor, and a mild fragrance slightly reminiscent of orange and ginger.  And while it is best known as one of the ingredients used to make curry, it’s looking like this golden spice may be a whole lot more than a pretty color. For starters, it may prevent colon cancer and Alzheimer’s disease, and it’s a good general immune system booster due to its high antioxidant capacity – mopping up nasty free radicals.
In India, where turmeric is widely used, the prevalence of four common U.S. cancers – colon, breast, prostate and lung – is 10 times lower. Thanks to its strong anti-inflammatory properties and its positive effect on the liver, turmeric can help calm digestive trouble and get your stomach feeling good again. Mix a teaspoon of dried, or a tablespoon of freshly grated turmeric into about 30 ml or so of warm water. Add a little sweetener like raw honey or maple syrup, if you like. Grow it yourself in the more tropical climates, or buy the rhizome fresh from your Farmers’ market or green grocer, or take a capsule. Turmeric is used to make up Jamu Asih Kinasih, the Indonesian love potion that is said to bring a whole new meaning to the words ‘love making’.

4. Cumin seeds – Cuminum cyminum

We’re now realzsing that these little seeds, often seen in Middle Eastern, Indian and Mexican recipes, are more than just tasty. They are a good source of iron, which is essential for energy production and metabolism. Cumin is also a key mineral in keeping our immune system healthy. The benefits to digestion have long been known but only recently being proven scientifically.
Research is now also showing that cumin may stimulate the secretion of pancreatic enzymes, compounds necessary for proper digestion and nutrient assimilation. Cumin seeds may also have anti-carcinogenic properties, especially liver and stomach. This may be due to cumin’s potent free-radical scavenging abilities. It may also increase the liver’s detoxification enzymes, which in itself means it will have many ways to heal as the more effective our liver is at detoxing, the healthier we will be. Use the organic seeds or powder in your cooking by adding them to your dips, roast veggies and slow-cooked meals like curry, soups and casseroles.

5. Cinnamon – Cinnamomum cassia

Most people are aware of cinnamon’s role adorning a donut or French toast, but its uses stretch far beyond this. (Powdered cinnamon is often mixed with white sugar, ground walnut shells, galanga rhizome.) Cinnamon is recommended for those with type 2 diabetes as studies have shown that taking cinnamon extract daily successfully reduced blood sugar by about 10%.  It also reduces heart-related risks and is now looking like it may also lower bad cholesterol by 13% and triglycerides by 23%.
To control blood sugar, take 1 gram capsules of standardized cinnamon extract daily, or 1 to 6 g daily when treating high cholesterol.  Apart from this, it has a good effect on the stomach and nervous system, and is capable of drying up Mother’s milk. The tincture is useful for heavy periods, or indeed absent periods. It has primarily been used in the West to assist and flavor other drugs, and is helpful in diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and to relieve flatulence.

6.  Rosemary – Rosmarinus officinalis

This gorgeous smelling herb likes little attention in the garden. Giving it lots of love is not the answer here. Ignore it and it will thrive. It likes dry, well-drained soil, which is why you see it growing wild on cliffs in the
Mediterranean. Its medicinal uses are many and varied. The two main ingredients that give this herb its therapeutic qualities are caffeic acid and rosemarinic acid – both being potent antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents. These two acids reduce the inflammation associated with asthma, and improve liver function and heart health. It’s also a rich source of Vitamin E, another potent antioxidant that contributes to free radical fighting powers, and again improving heart health.
It helps prevent the brain aging and is now proving an important defense against cancer, as research has found that rosemary extract can significantly help to protect DNA against free radical damage. By blocking estrogen, rosemary helps prevent breast cancer. Its other benefits are in reducing age-related skin damage, and acting as a mild diuretic to help reduce swelling. Rosemary is also thought to stimulate our adrenal glands to provide energy while lifting our mood and relieving stress. So as you can see, it’s more than an accompaniment to your baked spuds. Take as a capsule, liquid herb from a herbalist, or drink the fresh leaves in a tea.

7. Ginger – Zingiber officinale

Ginger is your go-to spice to prevent nausea, no matter the cause – be it pregnancy, motion sickness, food intolerances, anxiety or chemotherapy. A powerful antioxidant, ginger works by blocking the effects of serotonin, a chemical produced by both the brain and stomach when you’re nauseated. It also stops the production of free radicals, another reason we might feel nauseous. It also can decrease your blood pressure if it’s too high, and is useful for preventing cancer and arthritic pain, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. These same ant
i-inflammatory powers help powdered ginger kill ovarian cancer cells as well as, or better than, traditional chemotherapy, at least in the test tube. Ginger helps to regulate blood flow, which may lower blood pressure and decrease blot clots during menstruation. Ginger extract has been proven to significantly reduce the pain associated with osteoarthritis of the knee. It’s easy to include fresh ginger in your diet. Simply grate it in with your onions and garlic when you’re making soups, stir-fries, curry or dahl, or put it in your smoothie with turmeric and add it to your tahini dressing and hummus – pretty much anything. For a therapeutic dose take capsules from your health food store or the liquid extract from a herbalist or Naturopath.

8. Sage – Salvia officinalis

Sage is one of my favorite herbs, and for so many reasons. It’s antihydrotic, which means it’s a very effective treatment when dealing with menopausal hot flushes or excessive sweating. Try drinking the tea or get the liquid extract for more severe flushing. To whiten your teeth, pick a fresh leaf and rub it over your teeth a few times each week. It also helps to regulate your menstrual cycle, is a natural deodorant, sore throat tonic (when gargled), antiseptic and astringent. It’s wonderful to use sage as a healing scalp tonic (make it into a tea first), it calms the nerves, aids in healing burns, reduces nausea and flatulence, improves liver issues, kidney stones, gallstones, mouth and gum lesions and it’s a nice antidepressant. When mixed with rosemary, it can darken graying hair. Make a tea and rinse though your hair and leave it on, a few times a week. Raw sage has traditionally been used to treat warts, skin cancers and tumors. Yes, a pretty fabulous herb.
Dried sage has played an integral part in ancient, as well as current ceremonies. Many Native American Indians, because of its effect on purifying energy, hold sage sacred. It heals by bringing the patient back into ‘balance’ by cleansing the body and mind of negative spirits and impurities. When burned, the smoldering smoke offers various remedies for many physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental imbalances. I use white sage to regularly ‘smudge’ my home and clinics. You’ll find this at some health food stores, or easily online. Opt for these beautiful herbs and spices when you’re in need of some potent healing, and feel your aches, pains, and ailments vanish.

  Have You Tried Any Of These Natural Healers?

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Powerful Healing Benefits of Celery Juice Sun, 20 Aug 2017 07:17:08 +0000 The humble celery is commonly used in combination with other ingredients to create highly nutritious, raw, fresh juices. But did you know that pure celery […]

The humble celery is commonly used in combination with other ingredients to create highly nutritious, raw, fresh juices. But did you know that pure celery juice has unique regenerating and healing properties which are enhanced when it’s juiced on its own?

No matter who you are, where you live or what diet you follow, drinking celery juice will be an extremely beneficial practice to incorporate into your life. Here are 5 reasons why:

1. Heals The Gut

Celery contains special nutrients in its fibers which are realized when the vegetable is juiced. These nutrients promote optimal functioning of the digestive tract by acting as a natural laxative and relaxing the nerves that have been damaged by unhealthy lifestyle and food choices.

Celery juice is soothing and cooling to the digestive tract, which aids any inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. This is perfect for anyone with IBS, Crohn’s, colon cancer, etc.

The exceptionally high percentage of natural sodium in celery can really help you absorb and utilize the rest of the food you consume throughout the day. The enzymes in celery work to raise the hydrochloric acid in the stomach so that food digests easily and doesn’t ferment.

Anthony Williams AKA Medical Medium states that celery is one of the best ways to alkalize the gut. The powerful varieties of sodium work together to eliminate toxins from every inch of your body, including your gut, helping to heal and regenerate your stomach lining. He states that drinking half a litre of fresh celery juice every morning on an empty stomach can transform your health and digestion in as little as one week.

2. Strengthens The Bones

Have you ever noticed that celery actually looks like bones? The Doctrine of Signatures conveys that the way a plant appears shows what part of the body it is particularly beneficial for. Is it coincidental that bones are 23% sodium and celery is also 23% sodium? I don’t think so!

Celery is very high in calcium and silicon which help to regenerate and strengthen damaged bones. Celery is also high in Vitamin K which plays an important role in bone metabolism and protection against osteoporosis.

The pioneer of vegetable juicing, Dr. Norman Walker, stated that calcium must be consumed organically and through vitally organic atoms. When food containing calcium is cooked or processed the calcium is automatically converted into inorganic atoms. This means they are not soluble in water and they cannot furnish the cells in our body with the nourishment they require for regeneration. So juicing fresh, raw celery is a perfect way to reap the bone-strengthening benefits.

A lack of natural sodium in your diet causes your body to pull it from your bones, making them weak and brittle over time. Nature has cleverly provided celery to help humans strengthen and replenish their body’s skeletal system.

3. Purifies The Blood Stream

Celery contains a particular compound called coumarins which promotes the activity of white blood cells and assists the vascular system. This helps the bloodflow, reduces blood pressure and purifies the bloodstream.

Many diseases of the nervous and blood systems are due to the inorganic elements and salts taken in by the body in the form of dead processed products. The sodium in celery also maintains the fluidity of the blood and lymphand prevents them from becoming too thick. Celery is rich in Vitamin A, C, iron, and magnesium. This combination helps to nourish and rebuild red blood cells and aids those suffering from rheumatism, high blood pressure, arthritis, and anemia.

4. Highly Detoxifying

This magical juice is extremely hydrating and alkaline, making it effective for balancing the body’s pH level and neutralizing any acidity in the body. This, in turn, helps protect healthy cells and balance essential mineral levels, lowering the risk of heart disease, protecting bone density, reducing inflammation, boosting the immune system, and helping to maintain a healthy weight.

The combination of sodium and potassium makes it a natural diuretic. It regulates the fluid in the body and promotes urine production. This makes celery incredibly good for flushing toxins out of the body while also enhancing weight loss. It has the ability to remove calcium deposits from joints and eliminate them safely through the kidneys.

Drinking celery juice by itself, compared to mixing it with other ingredients, simplifies digestion and elimination, helping the body to cleanse, detoxify and restore.

5. Anti-Inflammatory

Two special compounds in celery, polyacetylene and luteolin, make celery an anti-inflammatory powerhouse.

Luteolin is a potent bioflavonoid that has been shown to inhibit the effects of certain enzymes which activate genes responsible for inflammatory response. A study done by the Journal of Nutrition showed that brain cells exposed to this plant flavonoid showed a massive lowered inflammatory response. Luteolin shuts down the production of a key cytokine in the inflammatory pathway by a huge 90 percent!

Luteolin is a strong antioxidant helping to fight free radical damage and reduce oxidative DNA damage related to inflammation. Polyacetylene is also considered one of the best defenders against inflammation, working to lower levels of inflammatory tissues in the body.

Therefore, drinking celery juice can reduce symptoms associated with arthritis, osteoarthritis, heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, gout and more.

TIP: Celery is on the dirty dozen list, which means it is highly sprayed with chemicals and pesticides, so I highly recommend you to purchase organic if you can.

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