SHRINE. The Arabic term qubbah (a tomb surmounted by a dome) refers throughout the Muslim world to saints’ shrines and mausoleums and places of special […]
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In Islam, shirk is the sin of practicing idolatry or polytheism, i.e. the deification or worship of anyone or anything other than the singular God, […]
SHI`I ISLAM. [This entry comprises two articles. The first provides a historical overview of the Shi `ah, the partisans of ‘Ali; the second traces the […]
SHAYKHIYAH. A branch of Twelver Shiism, Shaykhiyah is named after Shaykh Ahmad al-Ahsa’Y (1753-1826), a theologian born in Bahrain. Ahsa’f had a predisposition for mystical […]
SHAYKH AL ISLAM. Connected with Islamic religious figures, the title Shaykh al-Islam assumed a more precise and formal meaning during the Ottoman period. The title […]
SHAYKH. The Arabic term shaykh is an honorific title given since pre-Islamic times to men of distinction. Its meaning embraces several concepts expressed by the […]
SHATTARIYAH. A Sufi order of importance in India and Indonesia, the Shattariyah is in the Tayfuri line of Sufi orders that follow the mystical tradition […]
SHARIF. The meanings of the Arabic word sharif (pl., ashraf, shurafd’) include “noble,” “honorable,” “highborn,” and “highbred” (Lisan al-`Arab, p. 2241). In most contexts the […]
SHARIATI, ALI ( 23 November 1933 – 18 June 1977), one of the most important social thinkers of twentieth-century Iran. Shari`ati’s ideas are distinguished more by […]
SHARIAH: Sharia law, or Islamic law is the religious law forming part of the Islamic tradition. It is derived from the religious precepts of Islam, […]