How to Move Forward Once You Have Achieved a Big Goal – Hybrid Learning Online Learning Sun, 09 Apr 2023 07:52:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to Move Forward Once You Have Achieved a Big Goal Sun, 09 Apr 2023 07:52:19 +0000 What do you do once you accomplish your major objective and come to the top? This can turn into a major issue on the off […]

What do you do once you accomplish your major objective and come to the top? This can turn into a major issue on the off chance that it seems to be the main way you can go is down. Proficient competitors and maturing superstars all face this issue. The issue can be one of keeping up with the position in the event that this is what you need or sorting out where to go next while staying away from a major let down.

There are different methodologies for keeping a position whenever you have accomplished an achievement. Steve Rubel expounded on Jay Leno’s way to deal with keeping away from lack of concern and continually striving to continue to put out extraordinary item – jokes in Leno’s case.[1] Inasmuch as Leno can keep up with the lead, he will actually want to resign from the best position during a period fitting his personal preference – similar as Johnny Carson did.

Yet, imagine a scenario where you would rather not stay in a similar spot. Or on the other hand, imagine a scenario where there is a lot of contest like there is in pro athletics so that resigning at a late age can never turn into a genuine choice. Imagine a scenario where your objective was a single shot thing like finishing a long distance race. Something substantially more typical is meeting a weight reduction objective. When a weight watcher arrives at the enchanted number, the person in question feels better about the achievement and no longer feels as propelled to work at it. This prompts the unpleasant and unsettling yo diet impact where huge swings in weight can likewise prompt serious wellbeing outcomes.

There are a few magnificent procedures for pushing ahead while keeping away from the tricky downhill slant once you arrive at a major objective. The best systems are totally founded on in some way developing personally. These systems are as per the following:

1. Set a New (Bigger) Goal

This works well in areas where there is room for expansion. It is a popular one for entrepreneurs with many who seem to bet the bank on the next bigger deal. There is always a bigger deal that can be made and the cycle can become endless.

2. Move the Original Goalpost Further Out

Similar to the previous strategy except it is based on expanding the original goal rather than looking for a different bigger deal. For someone who has completed a marathon, the idea would be to work toward completing an overnight ultra-marathon.

3. Fulfill an Unrelated Childhood Dream

Achievers often focus in an area while neglecting other interests. Once a big milestone has been achieved, why not go out and pursue a childhood passion? One of our colleagues did just that when he took two years out of the industrial equipment business to go and drive Greyhound buses through scenic routes. He would have done it for free since he dreamed of driving a big bus when he was a kid. He got his fill and went back into the industrial business rejuvenated having fulfilled his childhood dream.

4. Quit

Yes, this might be a good option if you had to go through hell to achieve your goal. Suppose you bought and operated a small coal mine and now have a full bank account along with a bad case of black lung. Let’s say you’ve had a popular blog or program running for a few months or years and met your goals. Or have your third book published and are not super keen on writing a fourth one. It is often better to quit while you are ahead and leave on a high note. A completed goal does not need to automatically need to lead to a new one. Take a break, smell the roses and don’t worry about rushing into a big new adventure right away (if ever again).

5. Join the Community

Let’s say you completed a marathon or met a weight-loss target . Join or stay with a club you already joined even if you don’t have a current goal. Help others achieve their goals and learn from your experiences. Chances are you’ll stay in shape and maybe set a new goal in the area if it serves your interests.

6. Become a Sportscaster

Many athletes stay productive after achieving a big goal by getting involved in different activities that are in the area they love. This strategy basically involves staying in the loop.

7. Don’t Let it Die a Slow Death

If you are finding that your career has peaked, be careful to avoid becoming a casualty of a slow painful death. Keep going, change goals, quit or stay involved in a different capacity but don’t achieve your goal and then let things slowly crumble because it could suck the life out of you in the process. Too many people experience the letdowns associated by passing their peak without having established someplace else to turn.

Bottom Line

These techniques can likewise work for any individual who has not yet met a major objective or sorts out there is no practical method for arriving at it. Make the important changes in accordance with the objectives so they can become feasible. Quality Roddenberry hasn’t been to another planet however he fabricated a Star Journey universe. He transformed his fantasies into reality in a manner that was feasible.

Our attention here is on we who have met at least one major objectives. In the event that the objective was a beneficial one, it probably would have required a lot of exertion, energy, time and cash to finish. Defining and accomplishing major objectives typically includes gigantic self-awareness. When the objective has been met, the development shouldn’t stop. Development can be in similar region or in new regions. Be that as it may, be mindful so as to stay away from the contrary impact – individual psychologist.


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