MUSLIM WORLD LEAGUE. Founded in All 1381/1962 CE at the height of the Egyptian-Saudi political crisis, the Muslim World League (Rabitat al-`Alam al-Islam!) was the […]


JUDAISM AND ISLAM. From Islam’s inception, it has had a varied and profound relationship with Judaism. In scripture and thought, in society and politics, in […]

Islam in the Americas

Persons of Islamic background were among the explorers, traders, and settlers who visited the New World from the time of Columbus. A considerable number of […]

Islam in South Asia

Islam in South Asia The experience of Islam in South Asia is at once vast and varied. It encompasses nearly 300 million residents of the […]


ISLAM. [This entry consists of an overview of the origins and development of the classical Islamic tradition and eight historical surveys that trace the spread […]

Ms. Jewellee

I am a new Muslim. I am writing to tell you ‘why’ I converted to Islam, but it’s going to be more like ‘how.’ Last […]

“My Path to Islam”

By C. Huda Dodge Salaam alaykum wa rahmatullah. Since I have started reading and posting on this newsgroup a few months ago, I have noticed […]

Anis Ahmad

Dr. Anis Ahmad is a social scientist; he specializes in Islamic Studies and is Meritorious Professor of Comparative Religion. He is Vice Chancellor of Riphah […]