what’s – Hybrid Learning https://hybridlearning.pk Online Learning Thu, 17 Jun 2021 06:24:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 the KNOWING-DOING GAP: why we AVOID DOING WHAT’S BEST FOR US,and how to CONQUER RESISTANCE FOR GOOD https://hybridlearning.pk/2021/06/17/the-knowing-doing-gap-why-we-avoid-doing-whats-best-for-usand-how-to-conquer-resistance-for-good/ https://hybridlearning.pk/2021/06/17/the-knowing-doing-gap-why-we-avoid-doing-whats-best-for-usand-how-to-conquer-resistance-for-good/#respond Thu, 17 Jun 2021 06:24:38 +0000 https://hybridlearning.pk/2021/06/17/the-knowing-doing-gap-why-we-avoid-doing-whats-best-for-usand-how-to-conquer-resistance-for-good/ the KNOWING-DOING GAP: why we AVOID DOING WHAT’S BEST FOR US, and how to CONQUER RESISTANCE FOR GOOD The ancient Greeks called it Akrasia, the […]


The ancient Greeks called it Akrasia, the Zen Buddhists call it resistance, you and I call it procrastination, every productivity guru on the Internet calls it being “stuck.” Jeffrey Pfeffer and Robert Sutton call it the “knowing-doing gap,” or the experience of knowing the best thing to do, but doing something else anyway6.
Common sense tells us that if we put another hour into novel writing each night, ate better, woke earlier, chose affirmative thoughts, spoke honestly and connected more genuinely, we’d live better lives. But the real question, and the real work, is not understanding what’s good for us, but why we choose otherwise. Understanding the fabric of resistance is the only way we can unstitch it.
There are many reasons we self-sabotage, and most of them have something to do with comfort. Modern society (innovation, culture, wealth, success) is designed to convince us that a “good life” is one that is most comfortable, or able to provide us with a sense of being pain-free and secure. This is pretty directly related to the fact that human beings are hardwired to seek comfort, which translates to us as survival—we’re physiologically designed that way. It only makes sense that in our more fully actualized intellectual and emotional lives, we’d want the same.
Moving yourself past resistance is a matter of shifting your perception of comfort. It’s about considering the alternative. It’s altering your mindset to focus on the discomfort you will face if you don’t do the thing in front of you, as opposed to the discomfort you will face if you do.
If left unchecked, the knowing-doing gap will leave you a shell of the person you intended to be. It will wreck your most intimate, passionate relationships, keep you from the kind of daily productivity required to achieve any goal worth working toward. It will keep you in a manic state of indecision (do I, or don’t I? Which feeling do I let guide me?). You have to take control for yourself, and you can do so by considering the big picture. The alternative. The way your life will be if you don’t do this thing.
How will you quantifiably measure this year? What will you have done? How many hours will you have wasted? If you had to live today—or any average day—on repeat for the rest of your life, where would you end up? What would you accomplish? How happy would you be? What relationships will you have fostered? Will you be looking back knowing you likely damn well missed out on what could have been the love of your life because you weren’t “ready?” What about the hours you could have been playing music or writing or painting or whatever-ing? Where will those have gone?

You will never be ready for the things that matter, and waiting to feel ready before you start acting is how the knowing-doing gap widens. It’s uncomfortable to work, to stretch the capacity of your tolerance, to be vulnerable with someone you care deeply about, but it is never more comfortable than going your whole life without the things you really want.
Anxiety builds in our idle hours. Fear and resistance thrive when we’re avoiding the work. Most things aren’t as hard or as trying as we chalk them up to be. They’re ultimately fun and rewarding and expressions of who we really are. That’s why we want them. Taking small steps will remind you that this is true. It will soothe you in a way that just thinking about taking action never will. It’s easier to act your way into a new way of thinking rather than think your way into a new way of acting, so do one little thing today and let the momentum build.
And thank whatever force within you that knows there’s something bigger for you—the one that’s pushing you to be comfortable with less.



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I’m Vaccinated. My Kids Aren’t. What’s Safe for Us to Do? https://hybridlearning.pk/2021/04/13/im-vaccinated-my-kids-arent-whats-safe-for-us-to-do/ https://hybridlearning.pk/2021/04/13/im-vaccinated-my-kids-arent-whats-safe-for-us-to-do/#respond Tue, 13 Apr 2021 17:34:00 +0000 https://hybridlearning.pk/2021/04/13/im-vaccinated-my-kids-arent-whats-safe-for-us-to-do/ The COVID-19 vaccine is currently not authorized for use in children under the age of 16. While children appear to be less affected by COVID-19 […]

  • The COVID-19 vaccine is currently not authorized for use in children under the age of 16.
  • While children appear to be less affected by COVID-19 than adults, they’re not at zero risk from infection and illness.
  • Families must weigh the benefits versus risks when deciding what activities to partake in with unvaccinated children.

As more and more adults across the United States receive the COVID-19 vaccine, families with unvaccinated children are left with many questions about which activities are safe to participate in this summer.

Two of the three vaccines currently on the market are authorized for use in adults 18 and older, while the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is authorized for people 16 and older.

Pfizer recently released data stating its vaccine is safe and effective for children 12 to 15 years old.

Experts expect children in this age group to start getting vaccinated soon, maybe even as early as next month.

Testing is also underway in children under 12 and as young as 6 months. But these trials are expected to take longer; younger children may need different doses than adolescents and adults.

“If all goes well, we’re looking at probably early 2022 when we would see emergency use authorization for younger kids,” Dr. Stanley Spinner, vice president and chief medical officer at Texas Children’s Pediatrics and Texas Children’s Urgent Care.

That leaves a lot of time and uncertainty for parents trying to navigate a post-vaccine world where they’re protected but their children are still at risk of infection and transmitting the virus to others.

How COVID-19 affects children and how to evaluate risk

The good news is that children appear to be less affected by COVID-19 than adults.

“Fortunately, children seem to have a lower risk of severe illness from the virus,” said Dr. Dane Snyder, section chief of primary care pediatrics at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. “The risk is still there. It’s just much lower than adults.”

Spinner also emphasized that children are much less likely to be hospitalized or die from COVID-19, but noted there are kids who have been severely affected.

“Here at Texas Children’s, just like at other pediatric hospitals across the country, we continue to have children in the ICU due to COVID infection,” he said. “Most of these children are at higher risk due to their underlying conditions, but some were completely healthy and we wouldn’t have expected there to be a problem.”

As such, parents should continue to take precautions to keep unvaccinated children safe, especially those who are medically vulnerable.

“We don’t live in a zero-risk world, so the bottom line is figuring out how much risk is anyone willing to take when making a decision,” Spinner said. “There are so many variables that one has to consider.”

Healthline asked Spinner and Snyder to offer guidance on what factors parents should weigh when deciding whether to partake in the following activities with their unvaccinated children. Here’s what they said.

Visiting with grandparents and other relatives

Both experts emphasized the importance of human interaction, especially with loved ones.

“That’s such an important part of our lives, both short term and long term, so it’s important to include those benefits when it comes to evaluating risk,” Snyder said.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that fully vaccinated people can visit with unvaccinated people from a single household who are not at severe risk of COVID-19 indoors without wearing masks.

This means kids who don’t have an underlying condition that puts them at risk of COVID-19 complications can safely visit with their fully vaccinated grandparents.

For high-risk children, Spinner recommends being a bit more cautious. Visiting outdoors and wearing masks is one way to do this.

“We’re still not 100 percent sure that everyone who is fully vaccinated may not transmit the virus,” Spinner said. “We’re still learning.”

When you start bringing other unvaccinated people into the mix, this is when it becomes more complicated.

“If you have a family member who isn’t masking when going out and engages in socially risky behavior, that may alter the dynamics of getting together,” Spinner said.

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